9-foot alligator takes a stroll through Florida neighborhood | FOX 51 Gainesville

9-foot alligator takes a stroll through Florida neighborhood

A 9-foot-long alligator was spotted walking along a sidewalk in a South Florida neighborhood on Friday.

According to the Sun Sentinel, neighbors near 57th Avenue and 34th Street in the Miami-Dade area west of Coral Gables reported seeing the gator taking a stroll around 6:30 a.m.



The video by Instagram user @rubenpo31 was posted to the 'Only In Dade' account where it has racked up over 120,000 views.

"Anybody missing a #gator in the #coralgables area?" the caption read.

FWC hired a nuisance alligator trapper to remove the animal.

The Sun Sentinel reports that the gator had to be put down due to dementia. Alligators that are over 4-feet-long and believed to pose a threat to people or pets are typically put down.

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