Apple AirTag credited for reuniting lost dog with its owner

A dog and its owner are reunited, and it's all thanks to an Apple AirTag.

Rocky's owner, Denise Huertas, was taking out the trash on Thursday, October 20, in her Orlando neighborhood. She said about an hour later, she realized her six-pound Yorkshire Terrier was missing. "I ran and got my phone because they have an AirTag, so when I looked at the location, the location said about 20 minutes away," she said.

Thankfully, a good Samaritan saw Rocky near Pineloch and Orange Avenue and took him to Orange County Animal Services. Staff said they immediately noticed the little guy was sporting an Apple AirTag on his collar. "This was actually a first for us, we've never really seen this level of technology," Bryant Almedia said. "I'm honestly going to recommend it to as many people as I can, it was an amazing reunion."

While not all dogs are as fortunate as Rocky was to get reunited with his owner, animal shelters say this is why it's important for a dog to either be microchipped or have some sort of identification on its collar.

The shelter loved Denise's creativity and will be encouraging others to follow.

"I've been telling everybody that story. You know people worry about AirTags tracking them and stuff," Almedia said. "I'm like there is a positive to it. You'll never lose your dog again!" 

And as for Rocky and his little adventures through Orlando?

"So Rocky isn't microchipped, but he will be after this experience," Denise said.
