Carnival cruise ship Elation accidentally spills 'gray water' into Port Canaveral | FOX 51 Gainesville

Carnival cruise ship Elation accidentally spills 'gray water' into Port Canaveral

A Carnival cruise ship has spilled dirty water in Port Canaveral, authorities say.

Carnival cruise ship Elation holds 2,100 passengers and crew of 920. Right now, the vessel is heading towards the Caribbean, but before setting sail on Thursday, the company and officials at Port Canaveral reported a valve was opened accidentally and gray water -- wastewater from baths, sinks, washing machines -- was released into the port. 

The company says no sewage was spilled in the plumbing mishap, but the cruise industry at large has been highly scrutinized over the disposal of greywater. 

In 2016, the Princess Cruise line which is owned by the Carnaval corporation had to pay $40 million in penalties for improperly disposing of oil-contaminated waste. That case looked at gray water too, snd four vessels were found to be in violation over grey-water dumping.