Former Brevard principal pleads guilty to child porn charge

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A former principal from Brevard County appeared at U.S. Federal Court to plead guilty to child porn charges.

Ricky Sheppard, 59, walked out of Federal Court on Tuesday with his attorney, James Smith, after admitting to a judge that he downloaded child porn on a computer at home.

"He's ashamed, obviously, for what's he's done, and he's asking for compassion and mercy that we would give any person who's admitted to wrong doing," said Smith.  Sheppard would did not talk, but Smith said none of the charges involved students.  

Sheppard was principal of Spessard Holland Elementary school. Back in 1999, the district reprimanded him with inappropriate conduct with a 6-year-old student while he was a teacher.

"Mr Sheppard has not admitted to, nor is he guilty of, behaving inappropriately with any children that he's ever supervised or taught while he was in the school system."

However, Smith says his client realizes what he did was wrong. That's why he pleaded guilty.

"The best he can do is ask forgiveness from those individuals who are victims from these type of offenses."

Sheppard's sentencing has not been scheduled yet.  He could face 5 to 20 years in a federal prison.