Good Samaritan rescues kittens from dumpster, found in bag full of garbage, Florida shelter says

The Southeast Volusia Humane Society said that three kittens were found in a New Smyrna Beach dumpster. They were said to be in a plastic bag mixed in with garbage. 

They said that a good Samaritan rescued the kittens and brought them to the shelter.

Photo by the Southeast Volusia Humane Society

Unfortunately, COVID-19 has closed the shelter, putting most of their cats and dogs in temporary foster homes. So, they needed to get these kittens into homes quickly.

They reportedly cleaned them and examined them for injuries or illnesses. They then contacted an emergency foster and secured supplies. 

Photo by the Southeast Volusia Humane Society

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"Maria, Molly and Monty are alive and safe tonight, thanks to everyone involved," the Southeast Volusia Humane Society said. "Please consider supporting our lifesaving efforts. No amount is too small, and every bit helps. We know it's a tough time right now, but our work never stops!

This story was written in Orlando, Florida.