Lawmakers want computer coding courses at high schools

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The Florida Senate passed a bill requiring high schools to offer computer coding. Seminole County is one of just a few that are already doing this. Just this year, Seminole County schools started offering computer coding for many grades, and even kindergartners.  It's a simple version of the high tech curriculum, but teachers and administrators here say it's a necessity in today's world.

Coding is what makes it possible to create computer software, apps and websites.  While most schools in Seminole offer computer coding, not all do. So, they've started up a Computer Science program called CS2020. The program is geared toward making sure every student in the county has computer science and coding courses by the year 2020.

Senator Jeremy Ring said this week in promoting a bill requiring these classes for all state public High schools, "Florida has taken a monumental step toward providing high school students with an opportunity to learn computer coding, which is a necessary skill for students in a world driven by technology."

They are now working on a plan to phase in the coding courses, and considering letting kids opt out of foreign languages in exchanged for coding classes.  Senator Ring said, "Learning to code the great educational equalizer… Florida's students deserve to have computer coding as a course offering and they deserve to have those opportunities soon."

Lawmakers are hoping this bill will pass in time for next school year.