Lightning likely cause of fire that destroyed Winter Garden home

Clean up continues at a home on Shadowmoss Drive in Winter Garden, where fire officials say lightning is the likely cause of a destructive fire.  Luckily, homeowner Beth Fitzpatrick and her family were not at home.  She said her mother had just stopped by and left with the family's dog.

After Fitzpatrick received a call at work, alerting her to the fire, she rushed home. "It's just disbelief, just disbelief!  A lot of smoke, people, things you don't expect."   Still, she knows when to be grateful.  "We are very lucky.  As bad as it is, could be worse."  

No one was hurt, though at the time this story was published the family still had not located their pet cat.  They are staying with family members who live nearby.  The State Fire Marshall's Office is investigating, but Winter Garden fire officials said a lightning strike is very likely the cause.