Police K-9 recovering after being stabbed twice by suspect during standoff

A Las Vegas police K-9 is recovering after his team says he was stabbed twice in the neck trying to take down a standoff suspect.

The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department shared photos of K-9 Hunter, a Belgian Malinois, on Facebook while he was being treated by a veterinarian. His fellow officers stayed by his side, comforting the 7-year veteran of the force.

"LVMPD police dog 'Hunter' was attacked last night while taking a suspect into custody. He was stabbed twice in the neck. Hunter is expected to recover, following expert medical care at the animal hospital."

On Monday, the department posted an update that said Hunter was recovering nicely.

"Working is the activity that makes him the happiest -- and if recovery continues going well, he'll be returning to service in a matter of weeks! Go Hunter Go!"

The department said that the blade used by the suspect, identified as Joseph Arquilla, broke at some point during the assault when it struck Hunter's collar, making it harder for the wounds to penetrate deeply. That ultimately saved his life.

Arquilla was reportedly detained and arrested for resisting a public officer and mistreating a police animal. 

The department said that Hunter was "vitally important in bringing a SWAT standoff situation to an end....without the need for officers to use deadly force."

Meanwhile, Hunter is enjoying being pampered with special treats, including two dog cookies that read "Thank you for your service" and "Get well Hunter."