Single mom teaches daughter with cerebral palsy to walk in touching videos | FOX 51 Gainesville

Single mom teaches daughter with cerebral palsy to walk in touching videos

A single mom in North Carolina is melting hearts online after sharing inspiring video footage of her daughter, who has cerebral palsy, learning to walk on her own. 

Shanell Jones recently posted two videos on Facebook of her 4-year-old daughter Kinley walking without her walker. 

The first video, which shows Kinley stumbling while taking a few steps, was recorded on Jan. 10, 2019. Approximately a year later on Jan. 4, Jones recorded another video of her daughter walking strong without any assistance. 

“I cannot stop crying tears of joy for my precious Princess,” Jones wrote. 

“No matter how many people told me about good wheel chairs and ‘why don’t you push her instead of carrying her "heavy” self,’ I just knew God was pushing her to exceed all expectations."

Kinley was diagnosed with a mild case of cerebral palsy at age 2. Jones said the diagnosis came as a surprise, but she noticed that her daughter wasn’t developing as fast as other kids her age. 

While it is common for children with cerebral palsy to experience mobility issues, Jones said physical and occupational therapy played a big role in Kinley’s progress. 

“All the therapy sessions and visits to Chapel Hill were all worth it,” Jones said. “We have also helped her at home by stretching her so her body won’t get stiff and doing walking exercises that would strengthen her legs and increase her endurance.” 

Jones said Kinley is all smiles these days and really just enjoys the “little things in life.”

“She was able to beat all odds and walk like a big girl,” Jones said. 

You can continue to follow Kinley's journey on Instagram @therealkinleyj