WATCH: Crabs invade Florida neighborhood | FOX 51 Gainesville

WATCH: Crabs invade Florida neighborhood

They're baaaaack!

A video recorded by Stuart, Florida resident Abriel Arnel shows a massive amount of crabs crawling around her neighborhood.

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"We've lived here for a few years and this is the worst we've seen them!" Arnel told Fox 35.

In the video posted to Arnel's Facebook page, hundreds of blue land crabs are seen scurrying across the street and into bushes. Some, unfortunately, appear to get crunched under a passing car.

Arnel told Fox 35 that some of them even greet her outside her front door!

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"I was told they are blue land crabs. Apparently they burrow throughout the year, but it's during this season (and their spawning season) when the heavy rain forces them out."

According to researchers at the University of Florida, blue land crab mating and female migrating season runs until December, peaking in October and November

This isn't the first time we've seen a crab invasion in Florida. 

A Port St. Lucie man witnessed hundreds of land crabs crawling up his screen porch and all over his yard in a video that went viral.

RELATED: Crabs invade Florida man's yard