DNC holds opening night with virtual speeches

The first night of the Democratic National Convention included a number of big names like U.S. Bernie Sanders and former Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a Republican. The evening closed with a speech from former First Lady Michelle Obama.

Democratic National Convention begins

The Democratic National Convention begins on Monday, just a week after presumptive presidential nominee Joe Biden announced his running mate in U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris. The DNC will conclude later this week with an address by Biden.

Early voting underway in Florida Primary

Early voting is now officially underway and according to the Orange County Supervisor of Elections, record numbers have voted by mail in a primary election.

Eskamani says she is considering gubernatorial run in 2022

A Central Florida lawmaker is considering making a run for the Governor's Office in 2022. State Rep. Anna Eskamani is encouraged after thousands signed a petition to draft the Orlando legislator for a run as the Democratic nominee.

RNC in Jacksonville canceled

President Donald Trump on Thursday canceled the Jacksonville component of the Republican National Convention.

Creative measures to keep voters safe at the polls

Central Florida counties are getting creative to keep voters safe when they go to the polls. In Seminole County, for example, they have literally taken thousands of Q-tips, wrapped them individually in aluminum tape, and will give them to voters to use as a disposable stylus – when voters have to sign the iPad during check-in at the polls.